Link shared on facebook on Jun 19, 2014
While this has been and is likely to be touted, invalidly, as a separation of church and state issue, it is not that. (NB. I don’t think anyone has been complaining about commonwealth funding of chaplains in the military).
 Rather, the High Court has upheld that the _manner_ in which chaplains are being funded is not constitutional: The Executive alone does not have the power to do it like this (s61 of the Constitution), and nor does the legislature have the authority under s51 – the closest possibility (s 51.xxiiiA) allows funding of students via allowance, but not funding of services to students directly.
So all this will mean is that the funding stream will change – instead of from the commonwealth directly to the schools, it will be via a directed grant to the states.
My legally minded friends will correct me if I’m wrong in this, but I doubt the end result will be much different to the status quo.
The High Court rules in favour of a challenge to the Commonwealth funding of the school chaplaincy program.

Link shared on facebook on May 27, 2014
Pokies are like reverse ATM machines, allowing people (many of whom are vulnerable), to “donate” cash to companies and to government revenues

The amount of cash ($100’s of millions) being pulled out of constructive circulation in Tasmania is astonishing. And that’s before you consider the tragedy that is the direct human cost.

It’s responsible gambling week by the way…

Vimeo is the home for high-quality videos and the people who love them.

Link shared on facebook on May 25, 2014
For the Stetzer quote:

“I am going to go out on a limb and say that one of the biggest causes of a lack of authenticity in churches today is when a church values excellence over honesty. OK–there–I said it. Excellence can be an authenticity killer. […] When our desire to appear excellent or polished outweighs our desire to be seen as broken, fallen sinners in desperate need of God’s redemptive gift of grace, there is a real problem. […] What will it take? One leader willing to be vulnerable can bring a sense of freedom to a congregation caged by fear.” (Lost and Found, 204).

Link shared on facebook on May 15, 2014
It’s like a reverse Godwin’s Law or something….
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, a blog about euthanasia, assisted suicide, elder abuse, end-of-life care, palliative care. Most recent articles and news from around the world.

Link shared on facebook on May 11, 2014
I had the opportunity to talk to one of the Amnesty Int. Australia officeholders who was here for the AGM.

She waved off the controversy on prostitution as comparable to an earlier AI debate on capital punishment.

The difference is, of course, that both sides of the capital punishment debate could arguably be made to work with the core purposes of AI – it was just a matter of scope.

But on this issue… if I wanted to advance the cause of advancing freedoms and combatting wrongful imprisonment, why on earth would I lend my support to a group that would be happy to see prostituted women legally bound to oppressing men?

It is an utterly discordant and indicative of a tendency in the West for the baby-boomer virtuous organisations to be taken over by cynicism in their old age.
Statements from NORMAC and Abolish Prostitution Now following Amnesty state AGMs on weekend NORDIC MODEL AUSTRALIA COALITION (NORMAC) Media

Here is the best transcript I can find of the open letter written by the PNG Governor Powes Parkop to the PNG Foreign Minister and to the Australian High Commissioner in PNG.

He says it as it is.

“This is an Australian practice which we should guard ourself against. We are a compassionate nation and people known for our hospitality and compassion reaching out to people in hardship, distress or seeking comfort. We are also a nation and people who proclaim to be christian.

It is therefore repugnant to our traditional and contemporary culture and to our christian values to keep such people in near prison like environment.”
TwitLonger is the easy way to post more than 140 characters to Twitter

Link shared on facebook on Apr 30, 2014
Tasmania is not unique in its willingness to establish a religious adherence when it comes to the practice of medicine.

“This is a form of unjust discrimination against professionals on the basis of their personal beliefs and, indirectly, a form of discrimination against patients who share the same beliefs and who may wish to be treated by professionals with a sympathetic understanding of their position.”
Guidelines confirm that doctors and nurses who oppose controversial emergency contraception on ‘moral or religious’ grounds cannot receive key specialist qualifications

Link shared on facebook on Apr 29, 2014
“…when you see an elbow or a foot moving across your bump that’s something else. It was more powerful than anything the trolls said to me.”

Yep, a lesson in persuasion…
Controversial Josie describe in her own words why she says the baby kicking her was as if the baby was saying

Link shared on facebook on Apr 29, 2014
Abject cruelty as a means to an end. This should not be who we are.


An ex-Navy officer and former G4S guard reveals the truth of Manus Island.

ABC’s Four Corners reported on the violent attacks last night. You can watch the full episode here –

Please LIKE and SHARE this brave, compassionate response to the Abbott Government’s cruelty.

Link shared on facebook on Jan 30, 2014
Makes you think….

Mind you, there are plenty of pros to go with the cons of this enigmatic, strange, unpredictable job!
A few years after I had left the ministry, a co-worker came and asked if I wouldn’t mind talking and praying for her friend who was going through a challenging time. I wasn’t a pastor any longer – …
