Q&A: Should we stone Harold Camping as a false prophet on the 22nd?
Anonymous asks: So, shall we all do the Deuteronomical thing and stone Harold as a false prophet on the 22nd?
Nope. Two reasons:
1) Assuming a strict application of the “deuteronomical thing” the stoning of a false prophet is found in Deuteronomy 13 where from my (quick) reading (and correct me if I’m wrong) the stoning only applies to a prophet who makes a prophecy (that is fulfilled!) and then calls people to worship other gods. For all his faults, Camping isn’t doing that. Deuteronomy 18 talks about prophets whose prophecies don’t come to pass and the warning about them is to simply “not be alarmed” by them. I am not alarmed by Harold Camping.
2) That’s not how we, as Christians, apply the Old Testament. This is a huge topic in it’s own right – but suffice it to say that the casuistic strictures of the Law come to us via the grace of God and the obedience of Christ and are applied in that light. I can’t see how stoning Harold Camping would glorify Jesus. And, to preach to myself a bit too, ridiculing him probably doesn’t do that much either.
Q&A: Should we stone Harold Camping as a false prophet on the 22nd? by Will Briggs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.