COW Prize – Tasmanian Politics

Expired Content: I may no longer hold the views espoused in this post. As a matter of integrity this link remains alive, but time has passed and my thoughts on this subject may have developed significantly.

Last post on Tasmanian politics I promise!  A facebook friend of mine suggests the following be made the flag for Tasmania:

He writes, and so wins the Comment Of the Week prize:

Design for a new Tasmanian flag. Blue for Libs, Red for Labor, Green for Greens, and the wombat represents the animosity between them. The wombat is renowned for its irritability and stubbornness. Not to mention being a creature of habit.


CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 COW Prize – Tasmanian Politics by Will Briggs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.