Mouneer Anis in Tasmania

Expired Content: I may no longer hold the views espoused in this post. As a matter of integrity this link remains alive, but time has passed and my thoughts on this subject may have developed significantly.

Bishop John informs us that Archbishop Mouneer Anis of Egypt, pictured, will be a keynote speaker at January’s CMS Summerview conference in Tasmania.

I’ve written about Abp. Anis a number of times with reference to both the religious tumult in Egypt and the ecclesiastical tumult in the Anglican Communioin.  I have been impressed by his clarity and integrity.

The CMS conference is January 12 to 15, 2012.  The details are not yet on the CMS Tas website but I assume they will be shortly.


CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Mouneer Anis in Tasmania by Will Briggs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.