Anonymous asks: Should all the Billy Graham era stalwarts now be euthinased (sic)?

The answer to your frivolous question is a resounding “no” of course.   The legacy of Billy Graham is clearly a nett positive for the world and for the church.  He called a generation to faith and hope.  Yes, sure, his gospel presentation was repetitious and slightly over-simplistic.  Yes, he had an (over?-)emphasis on individual salvation more than kingdom emphasis on society.   But so what?  Many were rescued not just from <whatever definition of eternal punishment you prefer> but also from a spiritual passivity and an entirely self-serving life.  Those stalwarts have been leaders in their own right and the blessing has multiplied into subsequent generations.

Those stalwarts are now, by and large, reaching retirement age.  They should be honoured, their wisdom should be heard, and the up and coming generation of leaders should spend lots of time with them as they wrestle with the complexity of our own era.
