Snippet: The Rise Of The Same-Sex Marriage Dissidents

Link shared on facebook on Apr 14, 2014
Insightful comsideration based on the premise, that I share, that the SSM is at least about the proper scope of government authority.

“So what is the difference between marriage and other relationships? There’s no question marriage has been treated dramatically differently than other relationships by governments and society. Why? Is it that it features a more vibrant or emotional connection? Or is there some feature that is a difference in kind – that marks it out as something that ought to be socially structured? We usually don’t want government in our other relationships, right? So why is marriage singled out throughout all time and human history as a different type of recognized relationship?”

A more fulsome excerpt provided by Peter Ould here: http://www.peter-ould.net/2014/04/14/same-sex-marriage-dissidents/

Brendan Eich’s dissident stand forces those of us who are still capable of it to pause and think deeply on what it means to have a free society.