Q&A: What is on your bucket list?

Nice. I had to look up “Bucket list” ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bucket_List ). It’s the list of things to do before you “kick the bucket.”

It’s an interesting question that speaks to my passions, my drive and passions, my priorities and call, and how I see accomplishment. I am in a season where I need to dwell on these things and so thankyou for the question.

Here is a quick initial response. It will not be my final thoughts. You might want to ask me again in six months or so. 🙂

I have categorised the list somewhat:

* Spend a season (three months minimum) of on-the-ground travel, in two continents, with my wife.
* Do more study (of a deeply applied theological sort.)
* Spend a season of apprenticeship to a good and godly Christian leader (not necessarily of a church) of significant calibre (happy to receive suggestions as to who.)

* Witness and be present at significant moment’s of my children’s life (I’m not going to specify what – for that’s their story, not mine).
* Teach something significant to teachable people.
* See at least one leader, whose formation I have participated in, impact a nation/society in a significant way.

* Return to England with my own family, while the children are still young, and meet family members I have not seen in a long time.
* Shake Bob Hartman’s hand ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Hartman ) – his work was incredibly formative to me as a person.

4) FUN
* Learn to ski
* Cook a meal with Jamie Oliver
* Experience a hot lap of Mt. Panorama
* Discover, in real life, the following places:
– the most awesome natural vista on earth
– the most awesome architecture on earth
– the most peaceful place on earth
– the wildest place on earth

Originally: http://www.formspring.me/briggswill/q/846278649