Free as in Speech

Some links to some articles relating to the erosion of freedom of speech in the name of “tolerance” and “protection.”

  1. Peter Hitchens on the arrest of a street preacher in England for criticising homosexuality, and related matters: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1270364/Christian-preacher-hooligan-charge-saying-believes-homosexuality-sin.html#ixzz0ml3DYraZ
  2. Bishop John Harrower on the banning of the burqa in Belgium: http://imaginarydiocese.org/bishopjohn/2010/05/02/belgium-burqa-ban-is-bad/
  3. Commentary on Senator Conroy’s answers to some decent questions about mandatory Internet filtering: http://www.efa.org.au/2010/05/03/senate-answers-shed-some-more-light-on-filter/