Q&A: Does God want the Gospel spread by deceit?

CraigC. asks:

Does God want the Gospel spread by deceit? Is it is moral to collect donations on the basis of deceit? He has not promoted the Gospel but shamed it. God did not speak to Camping in any way but by Satan and his own imagination and deceit and greed. He does nothing to promote Christianity in any way, but in fact HARMs it. Maybe God should harm him (Deut 18).

Thanks for the question.  I assume you’re referencing some of what I’ve had to say about doomsdayer Harold Camping.

I’m not sure where you’re coming from, but to answer your questions

No, God does not want the Gospel spread by deceit.  However, there are many times when God has used the deceitful ways of men to his purposes.  This is the simple demonstration that God’s will will be done and nothing, not even deceit, will prevent it.

No, it is not moral to collect donations on the basis of deceit.  There are many so-called Christian organisations that are guilty of this.  I watched a documentary the other day which attended the seminar of someone who promised corporate success through hypnotism.  This man was at least upfront, but he looked and sounded, and used the same pyschological trickery as many prosperity breathing so-called evangelists who collect donations by this form of deceit.  Camping is not alone in this regard.

Yes, I agree that Camping is not a true prophet and in many ways has harmed the cause of the gospel.  Yet God is gracious, and even through this circumstance he will achieve his purpose.

God’s judgment on Camping is God’s.  It is not my place to tell Him what to do.